The term escort comes from English and designates a special category of sex workers that are prostitutes not working on the public highway, and therefore do what is called “indoor” prostitution. Obviously there are male and female escorts, escort-boys and escort-girls respectively, although this article will refer more to women. Currently the feminine term is often confused with the expression “call girl”, which refers to a first contact between prostitute and client by telephone and not physically. Apparently the term call-boy, meanwhile, does not exist in the world of prostitution, this must be due to the lack of men practicing this activity. Despite everything, gigolos exist,
To come back to the term escort, this is an accompaniment service which, generally, is associated with sex work, hence its confusion with call girls. Escorts do not work for an establishment, even if some are employed by specialized agencies. Depending on the legislation of the country where they are located, independent Bhubaneswar call girls promote themselves, in magazines or by placing posters in streets and busy places, but also by Internet. In other cases call girls may simply depend on a pimp. After that, you should not generalize because a call girl or an escort can offer other services that are not sexual, it all depends on the client. From time to time it is the personality and intelligence, in addition to the beauty, of the person which are highlighted, because it is requested for a social event. Thus, an escort is sometimes used to show off well in society, for questions of social rank where it is more prestigious to have a companion during social evenings, or it is just to have company, which happens more often with widowed and / or single clients.
Puri Escorts offer their services at higher prices than outdoor prostitutes generally, but this is not necessarily true. You just need to bring in the right people, and it is strongly recommended that you look to the agencies, because that’s where it’s easiest to find what you’re looking for. The cheapest option is necessarily to find it in a neighboring country where the prices are cheaper.